Collectively speaking, Archaic Twilight has a lot of tropes assigned to it, not only from the Characters, but also from the Users, Staff and RolePlay Storyline itself.
AT Tropes[]
The tropes for this and that within the RPG itself, you know, certain places, plot elements, ect.
- Exposition Fairy - We actually have 3. The Fae Trio, we use them for other stuff too but they were created to explain the guide.
- Faux Death - Amorous. Being immortal, she cannot die, so she goes to sleep. Eternally and stuff.
- Womb Level - Coraith, definitely Coraith.
- Getting Crap Past The Radar - Lindsey. All I'm saying.
Character Tropes[]
The tropes for the many characters of AT.
- Musical Assassin - On the character side of things, Xilfeal is full of tropes, namely Musical Assassin. Shi can pretty much ruin anyone's day with a song or two as well as razor wire strings but that is a different trope all together. Kyu and Suzaku also class under this trope - Kyu uses an ornate flute and Suzaku sings. Yeah, he sings to use his Weapon - a small set of headphones. Kran (the character, not to be confused with her creator, Krankzinnigheid) also falls under this trope, as she uses the music from her speaker Weapons to hurt enemies. Zephyr Hikage also falls under this, with Shikenkinzoku, four instruments in one, and can create sounds with his mind.
- Affably Evil - We also have Cassius, who is cold, manipulative and hides many secrets. Could he fit this trope? Well yes, he actually does. To the T.
- Emotionless Girl Cascadia Aoyama apparently falls under this. I don't really know much about her but I think she may like Gerbils...
- Heroes Prefer Swords - Most of the characters. Even the more original ones, like Suzaku, are subject to this (though thankfully Suzaku is only subject to a bit of it). *Katanas Are Just Better - Shinn falls under this one, most notably, though I'm sure that many of the other characters have it hiding under the woodwork.
- The Fatalist - Apparently Caeul Arluin fits this Trope, though I've personally never seen him around. At all. In fact, I don't even have access to his character info (hence why his page doesn't exist)!
- Not Brainwashed - Grey Argand, according to Heartless
- Wide-Eyed Idealist - Gozain Ishrai
- The Omniscient - Prince of Time is rumored to be this, along with Blassed With Suck and The Stoic.
- Hair Trigger Temper - Kyukiitsu tends to go off the rails when people diss Fade, call her cute, or run away. Also, if they diss The Survivor, or tell her she's a liar, or comment on the wings on her head or her general appearance, or, if she's cloaked, the fact that she cannot take her cloak's clothes off or that they're always the same. The thing is, she doesn't LIKE being angry, so she tries to hide all of these things at all times. She also tends to take a LOT of things the wrong way.
- Berserk Button - Kyukiitsu has several of them: People dissing Fade, calling her cute, running away, dissing The Survivor, calling her a liar, comment on her alien appearance, especially the wings on her head and/or comment on the fact that her cloak cannot take off or change its clothes.
- Mismatched Eyes - Chaos Darkblaze, Zephyr Hikage, Kyu, Shinn and Xilfeal fall under this Trope. Shinn, Chaos and Zephyr have their left eye blue and their right eye red. Kyukiitsu's left eye is green whilst her right one is hazel. Xilfeal's left eye is brown whilst hir right eye is blue-ish white grey... or something.
- Beware The Nice Ones: Kyukiitsu is pretty nice most of the time, but push one of her Berserk Buttons and you face her Unstoppable Rage - especially the case if she hasn't got anyone looking after her to calm her down. Chaos also seems pretty nice, but piss him off and you suffer. A lot. Generally death is in the package. Thankfully, he doesn't get pissed off often.
- Playing With Fire - Well, where to begin? Solar is one of the Primary Elements, and a lot of people use it. Kyukiitsu can use it (though she doesn't have any Solar attacks yet) to some degree, and would gladly use it against someone who'd pressed one of her Berserk Buttons. Nareno Sakano also uses the Solar Element, like with his Technique Solar Strike.
- Non-humans Lack Attributes - Kyukiitsu. If you know what I mean. It's not THAT hard to place a guess. Just go look at her picture. I suppose Vale Livacet would fall under this too... maybe.
- Bizarre Alien Biology - Kyukiitsu's species, Drekzs, eat anything, lack "attributes" (if you know what I mean) and have black blood which is a tar-like consistency as soon as it leaves the body. Oh, and they use ketchup as an anesthetic (except Fade, who can use it like drugs to get a high). But that's just one from the barrel of many.
- Alien Lunch - Drekzs eat anything edible, from humans to plants. In fact, some Drekzs *coughfadestrikecough* even eat inedible things (
Like a TARDIS). The Zhequian diet isn't exactly normal either, though the Seiryian range of food is perhaps the most strange. - Cute Monster Girl - Kyukiitsu. I guess you could call her cute... though don't say it to her face, unless you want to be beaten to death with a burning hot flute or a spiked belt. If you're lucky, someone who can stop her will come along and stop her before she actually does kill you. Not as much "cute" as "beautiful" or "elegant", Ten no Genbu is also befitting of this Trope.
- Alien Blood - Hmm, to name a few... Drekzs blood is black and a tar-like consistency when it's outside of the body, Zhequian blood is almost literally liquid gold, Seriyan blood is purple and seemingly lighter than air... oh, and Genbians bleed water.
- Mermaid Problem - Kyukiitsu suffers from this, if you know what I mean.
- Humanoid Alien - Both Kyukiitsu and Vale fit this trope. Kyukiitsu's upper half is human, albeit with wings, spikes and four arms, but it's still humanoid. Vale mostly holds the appearance of a white-skinned human, so that counts too.
- Flawed Prototype - Kyukiitsu's "real" name is M-1, standing for "Mercy-One", the prototype of Project Mercy - a desperate attempt by humans to give Drekzs emotions, to make a "Compassionate Judge of the Universe", even placing Nekonin DNA in with the human DNA to make sure the Drekzs body could cope with emotions. It failed. Tests carried on for seven years, until the whole of Project Mercy's First Division was devoured by Fade, essentially giving Kyukiitsu her freedom. However, the trauma has stayed with her and now she's co-dependant, insane and has a load of emotions she can't cope with. Not to mention she has the base DNA of the most feared being in the other universe. Smart move, scientists.
- Super Senses - All of Kyukiitsu's senses are enhanced, enabling her to, among other things, see the whole spectrum, hear a conversation through an eight-inch wall, smell danger from at least a mile away, taste the air to find out where she is (if she knows the place) and feel a battle from the shift of the air. Unfortunately for her, she can often be distracted by these lights, can hear the irritating buzzing of small insects any time she's near them, get affected by bad smells more than anyone and doesn't know where she is more often than not. Luckily, she doesn't feel pain TOO badly.
- Super Strength - Kyukiitsu possesses a great deal of strength. The funniest part is that she doesn't even know she has it, leading to rather comedic situations where she'll break things near constantly simply because she isn't used to them and how fragile they are compared to the other things she's handled - even if they look exactly the same. She's also learning a technique called Crono-swing (A Drekzsian ability, it's basically super strength but charged up. With a week's charging, one can get 100 times their usual strength with assistance from the Crono-swing). However, it tends to blow up in her face every time she tries.
- I Got Better - Kyu has suffered seven years of tests and survived. She majorly overdosed on Ketchamine (ketchup) and survived. She can fly through the galaxy (though not Oblivion, I assure you), suffer falls off of cliffs... Sometimes, I just think I don't ever want her dead. Or it could be that she's got Fade's DNA. Yeah...
- Shock and Awe - Lightning is another Primary Element, though it is far less popular. Kyukiitsu's starbolt energy is supposed to be Lightning-type as well...
- Alternate Universe - Kyukiitsu comes from a different universe to The Remnant Grid, the reason of which will be eventually explained.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity - Kyukiitsu. This great "power" is her emotions and her insanity is more trauma-induced than anything.
- All Just a Dream - Kyukiitsu believes that her adventures in the Remnant Grid is a dream at first. She learns... eventually.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love? - For all of Kyukiitsu's emotions, she doesn't understand anything about them whatsoever.
- Mood Swinger - Kyukiitsu has no control whatsoever and will constantly swing from emotion to emotion if left alone.
- Living Emotional Crutch - Kyukiitsu needs one of these at all times to keep her stable. Without one, she'll end up killing people and swinging from emotion to emotion whilst doing so, eventually leading to her [attempting] suicide.
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength - Kyukiitsu through and through. A mix of this and that she doesn't know that human-made objects are much more fragile than anything found on The Survivor leads to quite comedic situations.
- Hidden In Plain Sight - Kyukiitsu's cloak allows her to hide her alien appearance so that others won't run away or attack her. Suzaku can don an even more human appearance than his standard one, and can turn invisible, as can Trijectus.
- You Can't Fight Fate - Kyukiitsu. By being given the name Sarkova and the Suzaku's Flute, she met the criteria of the Legend and was comatosed in order to come to the Remnant Grid. The Legend dates back 8000 years at least, and is a piece of the Trickster's work.
- Meaningful Name - Kyukiitsu Sarkova. Kyukiitsu means "Flawed Prototype" in Kuriputonaitoshan and "Sarkova" means "Of excellent Merit" in Tamaranean. That and the Legend she is now a part of is the Legend of Sarkova.
- Inmprobable Weapons User - Surprisingly few of them, considering this is an "anything goes" RPG. There are however a few notable examples: Xilfeal and Zephyr both use guitars, Kyukiitsu uses a flute, Suzaku uses a set of headphones, Vale uses his hand transfigured into other things (not SO improbable, really), Father Altis uses a prayer book, Kyourin Naltean is another one that uses his hand, Gesichtslos uses a cane, Takeshi Kimura uses his rollerblades, Cassius DéRouler uses dice and Grey uses... umm, what is that again? Despite the lack of Characters with this trope, Kran has been making up for it with her NPCs - almost all of whome use Improbable Weapons.
- Instrument of Murder - As if being Musical Assassins wasn't enough, Xilfeal, Zephyr and Kyukiitsu all fall under this trope.
- Killer Yoyo - The only one so far belongs to Kran's NPC Phoenix, which is two small, bladed speakers slotted back to back and attached to a bead chain which acts like the string of a yoyo.
- Weapon of Choice - Try looking at them and see what I mean.
- Razor Floss - Xilfeal is the master of this trope. However, Kran's NPC Vanilla also uses strings, and can cut people with them, though they're mainly used for Tying opponents.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom - Not really of DOOM, but Suzaku's irises glow red when he experiences extremes of emotion (a lot) or when he wants them to. However, when the entirety of his eyes glow red, you're in seriously deep shit. Kyu's eyes glow white when she's angry.
- Hermaphrodite - Xilfeal is currently the only hermaphrodite Character, though a few, like Vale and Gomex, have No Gender.
- Famous Ancestor - Xilfeal's ancestors are apparently famous heroes, also leading to hir having Heroic Lineage.
- Complete Monster - Xemos is apparently one of these, and I can see why.
- Axe Crazy - Xemos is also this. He does sound like the bad kind of crazy. How else could he be a Self-Made Orphan?
- Demonic Possession - Xemos is apparently possessed by a demon. Makes sense.
- Knight Templar - As a servant of Amorous and a loyal Knight, you would think Allen Eli fits this. He does.
User Tropes[]
- Griefer - In terms of PKing, Xemos held this title before he left. Now it will most likely be passed on to Twoie and maybe even Krankzinnigheid
- Hair Trigger Temper - Apparently, both chaosmancer and Krankzinnigheid are this. However, it isn't noticeable in either case. Unless you happen to be in Cameron's room when he loses a level or life on a game or mention anything to do with politics in front of Kran...
- Internet Detective - Kran. That is all.
- Internet Mimic - Not with celebrities, but Kran's speech patterns are a mix of Krimm's, Cameron's, Gozain's, Nika's, Nareno's and of several other people who aren't on the forum.
- Left-fielder - Kran. But I think, deep down, she just wants the arguments to stop and will do anything to stop them.
- Lickspittle - Kran. See above.
- Lurker - Kran is this, but, then again, when you guys are asleep, there's nothing TO post in. Otherwise, I suppose you could count the multitude of Guests. And those spambots.
- Meditator - Kran again. See Left-Fielder for more info.
- Ninja Editor - Kran. Sneaky little Kran
- Single-Issue Wonk - Kran on politics, Health and Safety, political correctness, money and a multitude of other things. Nika on PKing. Cameron on gaming and his stepdad...especially his stepdad. Twoie on people being Anti-PK. There's a lot of 'em, seriously.
- The Shepherd - Almost everyone, but Kran goes to great lengths to make newbies feel comfy.
- Spammer - Kran and her topic-spam
- Thread Necromancer - Krimm and Kran. And maybe Gozain a bit n all.
- A Darker Me - Not entirely sure just how many fit into this category, but Kran is a definite for it.
- Shameless Self-Promoter - More like Shameless Site Plugger... that would be Kran
- Screw The Rules I Have Plot - I can't think of any other reason for Cobalt to have FOUR characters. And with 1.1's release, Warrior is also breaking the rules. It makes me laugh. Hard.
- Unpronounceable Name - Gesichtslos... Guess-ick-sloss? *shrugs* Also, Krankzinnigheid is unpronouncable to most people (It's Crank-zin-ick-hide).