Archaic Twilight Wiki
The Seeker
Name Onesimus Bane
Race Human
Age 29
Gender Male
Weapon Hybrid
Affinities Sky; Aura


Onesimus wears a rather unique breastplate-- bright, shining as silver, but strong as steel. The breastplate only covered his chest and shoulders, and has a rather unique custom design on it. It's excavated in a few places for the sake of design, as well. Underneath it he wears a red shirt. Steel gauntlets covered his palms to his elbows, also slightly excavated for design to reveal leather gauntlets underneath. The fingers aren't protected. A black cape extends from the back of the breastplate and reaches to about his knees-- it's slightly torn and ripped in various places, especially near the bottom. His dark blue pants are tucked into his leather boots at about the shin level, and the leather boots have a steel sole and steel toe. His dark blue (almost black) spiked hair is unmistakeable with anyone else in his home Remnant, and his red headband keeps it out of his bright green eyes. His sword is quite unique, too-- bent at the blade almost like a katana, but with a bowstring the extending from the back of the blade to the bottom of the hilt. The sword is bent so that if held sideways, it could be used like a crossbow to fire arrows of light with the string.


