Archaic Twilight Wiki
Jack avatar
Username Jack
Gender Male
Age Unreleased Data
Rank Passerby



An avid gamer fond of Challenges who you may quickly wind up asking "Did you just punch out C'thulu?" or at least, you would if he took things seriously. The first person liable to say 'Screw it' , he's The Roleplayer at first, The Loonie if no one else takes it seriously, and if fun is still not being had Hilarity will Ensue along with a TPK in all likelyhood. He's the one most likely to go Off The Rails at the drop of a hat, because really, Screw Destiny right? Of course this attitude usually leaves a lot of people Deader Than Disco , there have been more than enough Crowning moments of awesome to warrant continued use.

If you're looking for the most likely person to somehow make Insane Troll Logic work, look no further. He may be a Complete Monster or a Jerk with a Heart of Gold or even a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk, depending on your interpretation and how many Pet the Dog moment's you're willing to tally. At the very least posesses extreme Moral Myopia amongst his circle of friends, which can lift only ever so slightly if you are a stranger but of the fairer gender. More likely to relate to the Cute Monster Girl than anyone else (Irony?). Also considered a trap in some places though he admits he has no excuse for preferring to play female characters.


