Archaic Twilight Wiki
Most Bad-AsseryGreatest AccomplishmentFavoured Character of the Year

Character Idol Season 1

Maiden of the Mist
Name Cascadia Aoyama
Race Human
Age 16
Gender Female
Weapon Faestrom Velorà
Affinities Sea; Sky; Aura


Simple and Flexible, wearing only the bare essentials she dons that of a simple mercenary appearance. Her clothing matching the darkness of the night sky she wears only a simple black sleeveless tank top that clings to her bodily form; with matching shoulder length gloves held in place by silver armlets embedded with a sapphire stone on either arm. The only identifying colour upon her person being her pouch strapped to her right thigh and the strap of her sheath hanging loosely from her hips. Her general appearance is that of an elegant woman with the clearest sapphire blue eyes and soft lengthy brown hair reaching to the bottom of her lower back; the term dangerous beauty doesn’t even begin to describe her.


